About the Journal

Technoarete Transactions on Application of Information and Communication Technology(ICT) in Education is an International peer reviewed, open access journal aiming to publish high quality original research, review articles, short communications, case reports, technical notes and editorials. We offer a wide range of knowledge on new trends and advances that contribute significantly to further the scientific knowledge related to fundamental and applied research covering all aspects of Information and Communication Technology. The journal also includes various fields of research on Creative usage of digital technologies by educationist, Tools for online learning, Blended learning mechanism, Platform and content authoring, Open access system, Learning data analysis, Educational data mining, Institutional procedures, protocol and assessment methodologies, Outcomes of ICT based education, Game based learning environment, Psychological issues face by students in online learning, Various pedagogical principles of teaching, Lifelong learning, Technologically mediated learning, Educational psychology, Academic and ethical perspectives of online learning, IT Infrastructure for ICT Based education, Role of ICT based education during COVId pandemic, ICT based education for online evaluation and assessment of students performance, Role of ICT based education post COVID pandemics.


Technoarete Transactions on Application of Information and Communication Technology(ICT) in Education aim to serve as an intellectual platform for scientist, academicians, and researchers to who are interested in applications of recent advancement in information and communication technology in imparting education to school children post school education, higher education, and lifelong learning. Also, the role of using innovative technologies by teachers educating children who are in transition from school to higher education are also included in the scope of this journal. The journal welcomes original research article on adopting innovative approaches for teaching learning process designing the educational outcomes and encouraging qualities quantitative and hybrid approaches of teaching . learning process . Latest innovation and best practices to be followed in online teaching and training , collaborative learning and training modelling higher education based on online learning , various procedures standards and assessment methods to be adopted for online education are also covered under the scope of this journal . the need for effective IT Infrastructure and services for innovative online education environment is also to be discussed in the journal . The methods of Invocating creativity and curiosity among students by employing ICT in education also falls under the journal scope .

Technoarete Transactions on Application of Information and Communication Technology(ICT) in Education include but are not confined to the following areas:

1.Creative usage of digital technologies by educationist

2. Tools for online learning

3. Blended learning mechanism

4.Platform and content authoring

5. Open access system

6. Learning data analysis

7. Educational data mining

8. Institutional procedures, protocol and assessment methodologies

9. Outcomes of ICT based education.

10.Game based learning environment

11. Psychological issues face by students in online learning

12. Various pedagogical principles of teaching

13. Lifelong learning

14. Technologically mediated learning

15. Educational psychology

16. Academic and ethical perspectives of online leaning

17. IT Infrastructure for ICT Based education

18. Role of ICT based education during COVId pandemic

19. ICT based education for online evaluation and assessment of students performance

20. Role of ICT based education post COVID pandemics